Secondly, when you do restore the favourite shortcuts, they will lose their normal macOS shell folder icons and be replaced with normal folder icons Sfltool add-item file://path/to/target on macOS versions up to 10.12 or using a third party tool such as mysides on newer versions You will need to restore these as part of your scripting using There are two negative consequences associated with performing the home folder redirectįirstly, existing Finder shortcuts “favourites” to the home folders will be deleted during the move operation Once executed correctly with elevation, the script will move the individual home folders into the cloud storage root and perform a re-link back to where macOS expects to find them. If you run it manually, elevate to sudo before running the rest of the script. The script should be saved to a shell script file and executed from Terminal e.g. Ln -s "/Users/$USER/$ODFinalFolder/$WorkingFolder" ~/$WorkingFolder Sudo mv -f ~/$WorkingFolder "/Users/$USER/$ODFinalFolder" ODFinalFolder="$ODFolder - $ODOrganisation" # Current User Local Home Folders to OneDrive New Path: /Users/Joe Bloggs/OneDrive - My Company Ltd/Documents #!/bin/bash Original Path: /Users/Joe Bloggs/Documents

The following script will move current home folder locations to the cloud and establish new symlinks in the macOS profile folder for each. Step 1 is beyond the intended scope of this article as different options exist for deploying and automating the configuration of the various cloud clients that are on the market.Įxample: Moving the macOS Home Folders to OneDrive for Business Restore Finder shortcuts (if applicable).Create a symlink from the original location to the redirected location.Move the data to the desired location in the cloud storage’s local cache to begin cloud synchronisation.
Install the client and sign the user into their cloud storage account.The process to individually redirect your home folders to a cloud service requires four steps
View: How can we improve OneDrive on Mac? KFM Known Folder Move on Mac
Such an option is not available for OneDrive users, despite year of users requesting the feature be added to the macOS client, to date, Microsoft have not implemented either an automatic redirect or a manual folder sync features. This can be used to negate the need to redirect the home folders in a manual, but less technical fashion. Google Drive’s Backup and Sync app has an settings option to cloud sync any folder to your Drive account. Whether you need to actually redirect the data to the cloud service that you use may depend on you needs. If you can administratively automate using a controllable standard, the quality of IT service will increase. Issuing complex end-user instructions for the end user to enable Google Drive Backup and Sync on certain folders will likely reduce compliance while increasing contact and support time for IT. The desire for minimal contact is paramount.

No effort on the part of the end user, should mean greater likelihood of data safeguarding and an easier selling point for IT.įor the administrator. Operating Systems are designed to push users to save their data in their ‘Documents’ folder, not into ‘~/OneDrive – My Organisation/Some Folder’. On company issued machines, end users do not want – and will never properly use – a cloud service that requires additional manual steps to store data in a special cloud folder. The main reason you would want to consider implementing redirects in your environment is for convenience.
This article discusses how to redirect home folders to OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, Google Drive or other cloud services under macOS. macOS does not offer any automatic method for this. Newer versions of the Windows OneDrive client also include an automated facility to redirect Desktop, Documents and Pictures – but only under Windows. Under Windows, the process of redirecting a user profiles home folders aka ‘special folders’ or ‘known folders’ such as Documents, Desktop, Photos and Movies can be achieved through Group Policy or via the GUI.